Hey folks, I'm
Rhett Owen a Software Engineer using a template

I love building stuff. My experiences range from Facebook to personal projects like Bean Simulator 2, go check it out!

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Some of the things I've built



Software Engineer InternMeta

Worked on the Community Empowerment team building out both internal tools and user-facing product changes for Facebook. Made frontend and backend contributions for both web and mobile, using Hack, Bloks (Facebook's server-side mobile framework), Javascript, Flow, GraphQL, and Relay.


Software Engineer InternWhytespyder

Worked with a team of 8 developers to maintain the SKUNinja e-commerce web app that lets companies upload content and view detailed reports for products listed on walmart.com. Used React, Javascript, CakePHP, and MySQL.


Research AssistantStanford University

Working as an assistant for research on the impact of investigative reporting, using web-scraping and natural language processing. Co-author of the resulting paper published in PNAS.



MS, Computer ScienceStanford University

Currently completing my Master's degree in Computer Science with a concentration in Computer and Network Security.


BS, Computer ScienceStanford University

Majored in Computer Science with a concentration in Human-Computer Interaction and a minor in Economics.